The Big Three Zero

Last Sunday Night, I was returning back home from our Church Service. I was driving the car and my husband was sitting next to me. We were on the Palm Beach Road, which is considered to be one of the best roads to drive in Mumbai. My brother, who was on his bike was also on the same road. He was driving at a speed greater than the speed limit which is not unusual. My brother was accompanied by my brother-in-law. Now, our family is a big family and my stories are never complete until I have mentioned most of them. My husband made fun of my brother and said, “Look at your brother – Raging Hormones!!!” I instantly replied saying, “Look at YOUR brother – AGING Hormones!!” And we laughed and laughed and laughed until we realized that my brother is only 24 and my brother in law is only 27 and both I and my husband are much older. We both have turned 30 this year. My husband is just 5 months older than me and I had a good laugh when it was his 30th birthday and made sure to make fun of his age at least for the next 5 months.

But as they say ‘Age is not how old you are, but how many years of fun you had!!’ I sure have enjoyed my life to the fullest and that is all that matters. I am still able to do the things which I did when I was twenty and have the ability to do much more.

So, Just Keep Calm and enjoy your 30th birthday because you are going to turn 30 only once. Live Love Laugh!!

30th Birthday


6 thoughts on “The Big Three Zero

  1. thambi says:

    Is this is your first blog ? your narrative of telling the things is good.

    I rarely read blogs but your blog was really interesting and ended up reading all the posts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. SINI JOHN says:

    I love reading all your Blogs … its me to create my own blog now lol…After marriage with a big huge story 🙂 😛


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